"I have a sweet tooth for song and music. This is my Polish sin."       Pope John Paul II


 Soireé at Leonardo Gallery in Pretoria:


 Piano at the Winehouse:

Southbroom, KZN

A spectacular piano evening was held at the home of well known Southbroom locals, Paul Reid Robertson and Haydee Bothma. All pianists played on their gorgeous ‘baby grand’ for a night of classy entertainment. 

Fine piano playing; fine singing, fine finger food and fine surroundings was delightfully mixed into a delectable and outlandish brew.

The Line-up for the evening included some extraordinary piano talents:

- Noel & Judy Bothma from Durbs: some will remember this highly talented couple from their days of playing at the Edward Hotel. Jazz was their choice for this performance.

- Tony Arberg added an exotic foreign touch by playing a dash of Cuban classical with a dollop of Chopin.


- Well known piano tuning master, Brian Titshall, performed and gave a taste of what he does best. (We were assured the baby grand was well tweaked, tuned and in show room condition on this night - thanks to Brian)

Barbie Meyer & Jonathan Brauteseth teamed up to offer both haunting and playful duets from everything from Evita to Rod Stewart… they added a somewhat effervescent touch to the night.

Roger Seldon, freshly back from Canada performed some original, experimental piano pieces - with a touch of the ‘unexpected’! 

Deon de Beer was our competent  'Sound Man' for the evening.

Paul and Haydee sponsored the food for the evening. The Blind Society was the charity of their choice, so all ticket monies received went to sponsoring a guide dog. The musicians for this night also kindly donated their time and talents for the cause.

Contact Paul on 082 652 0919.





 Roger Seldon, Barbie Meyer & Jonathan Brauteseth




Marke Meyer (www.markemeyerphotografix.com), Roger Seldon, Jonathan Brauteseth, Barbie Meyer and sound man Deon De Beer 


 Barbie Meyer & Jonathan Brauteseth


 Roger Seldon, Lorna Seldon & compere for the evening Clare Gaze



Uvongo Town Hall - rock concert







Solo Singing 

 I write my own songs (and put music to existing poetry)                                                                      

The guitar is my choice of accompaniment


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